Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 15 Wrapping things up and looking ahead

This class introduced me to new forms of social media such as: Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook for businesses. With Twitter, I learned how to tweet, follow people, game followers and connect some of my favorite bowlers. It showed me how to promote products to specific groups through distribution lists. It was also fun to read other people's tweets and interact with them.

Pinterest helped me to organize my products and ideas into simple boards that I can share. It also allowed me to see other people's boards and see their ideas.  I don't consider myself to be a creative person, so Pinterest was a great creative tool for me.

previously, I only used Facebook for personal usage, but now I use it for personal business. It taught me how to like other people's businesss and get likes for my business. I learned about the importanance of posting and future posts. I never knew about Facebook Analytics before this class, but now I know how to access all this additional data.

I really enjoy this class. It has taught me so much about social media. If I ever  have my own business, I will be more prepared to promote it and publicize it.  Also from a personal perspective, I know how to use these social media platforms for myself.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week 14 More Social Strategy

Facebook: This Social Media platform is good for my business because it tells me how people like my business and it's great promoting my products. This help on getting people who are interested in buying my products. This has helped me know how many people visit my page which helps me know when to post new content.

Twitter: This social media platform is good for my business because it tells me how many people that tweet and follow me. It also allows me to have direct communication with other people in the bowling community. It also gives me the option of making distribution lists so that I can send specific content to my followers.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Facebook Analytics

What's changed on my Facebook business page is the analytics are showing weekly data, page likes, post reach, and engagement. It also shows your 5 most recent posts and gives feedback about your posts. Another benefit is that this feedback will help you know what will be effective for future posts.

This information is important because it shows the number of people that visit your page and the number of likes you receive. It shows weekly feedback about the number of likes and post reach  which allows you to know which content people like and don't like.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week 13 Optimizing Yourself

Audience Data & Reporting

This feature would be good for my business because it will show how loyal my customers are and give me info about where they come from. This feature also allows me to find out how customers found my website.

Flow Visualization Report

This feature allows me to see what pages a visitor looks at when they visit my site, This is important because then I can know what products they are interested in buying and what products they are not interested in buying.

Real time Reporting

This feature allows me to see how many people on my site in real time and what products they are viewing.  This is important because it will tell me what bowling products are popular. It will allow me to see how much traffic is on my website.