I compared Bowlingball.com and Bowling.com to my business. I picked these 2 businesses because they sell bowling products and have a similar target audience as my company. They both use Facebook, Twitter, and Google +. Bowlingball.com uses Social Media better than Bowling.com. They have 144,268 Likes on Facebook compared to only 42,902 Likes for Bowling.com.
On Twitter, Bowlingball.com dominates Bowling.com despite having a similar number of followers. The 2 biggest differences are number of tweets and how many people each business is following. Bowlingball.com has out tweeted Bowling.com 4,883 to 1,786, which means 3 times as much information and interaction is taking place between Bowlingball.com and it's followers. Bowlingball.com is also following more users than Bowling.com 4,322 to 509. Again, Bowlingball.com is reaching more users 8 times more than Bowling.com. People like to be followed on Twitter and so Bowlingball.com is making a real effort to connect with customers.
I believe Visual Media can be effective for my business, but it comes down to effort. From my research of these 2 other companies I found that effort was the biggest difference maker.
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