Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week 12 Using other social media tools

The four social media tools are: Google +, LinkedIn, Living Social, and Groupon.

Google + is where you can create circles, events and hangouts. You can use circles to sort out fans or friends.

Linkedin is a great forum to to meet professionals in your field. You can connect with people you know or hoping to find.You can post questions and get information.

Living Social Customers who register with Living Social are exposed to new deals everyday. They chose to opt in to whatever deals that spark. As a business owner, you share the percentage that a customer pays for the deal. This information is shared with you as a business owner.

Groupon is using an online coupon to is a way to drive traffic to you're business for a two for one deal. A good way to reach out to find new customers.With Groupon's Solutions you have the control to completely tailor  a campaign to fit your unique business needs.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Week 11 Online Advertising

There are different objectives. Boost your posts,  Promote your page, Send people to your website, Increase conversions on your website. My business can have many types of ads.  You can create ads for you're business.  You can you Banner ads also for your business and say the latest and new products you have. You can use Twitter Advertising for you're business and say what you have are selling to customers who want to buy the products.  I would use different ways for my business. I would use the ads a lot.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 11

I commented on Kennelly, Danielle, Fritz Templin and Talley, leah.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 10 Email

I commented on Blackwood Connor, Angie Johnson, and Fritz Templin.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Week 10 Newsletters

If I had a newsletter for my business, I would send it once a month because of my type of business I don't think it needs to go out more than that. Each month I would sent out a newsletter promoting new products and letting people know what's on sale. I would also have a feature where I highlight local bowlers and their bowling accomplishments. I can have a section of bowling tournaments and local bowling activities. I think having a section for bowling tips on how to improve your game will be helpful.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Week 9 Personal Blogging

How personal you are on your blog depends on the purpose of your blog. If it's a blog about your business then posts should be more professional with only a little bit of personality. For example, If I was giving my opinion about a product I was selling than that would be the personal part of it. If your blog is more about yourself or a non business topic than adding more personality makes sense. 

On the other hand, it also depends on what your readers and\or customers want.  If they give you feedback that they want a more personal touch on your blog than that's what you should give them.  You may also share too much on your blog and readers may ask you to not be so open. The key is to know your readers and customers and finding the right balance.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week Eight

I searched the words Bowling Products and Bowlers to find connections of bowlers, bowling alleys, companies, organizations. These were the only words to find my connections.  I found professional bowlers. Jason Belmonte, Parker Bohn III, and Chris Barnes. I also found bowling  business. Bowling vids, Inside Bowling Today, Junior Bowling Today, Tim Burg, Bowling scores, Amf Bowling, Bowling expert, MCC Social Media, Storm Bowling and

I made 2 lists: Bowlers and Bowling Organizations. The bowler list is so that my tweets are more personal because they are going to individuals.  My bowling organization list is for communication that is more general since these are companies. Making these lists help me to create specialized tweets for my specific lists. I think more people see my tweets when they are bowling which is usually at night and on the weekends.