Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Week 10 Newsletters

If I had a newsletter for my business, I would send it once a month because of my type of business I don't think it needs to go out more than that. Each month I would sent out a newsletter promoting new products and letting people know what's on sale. I would also have a feature where I highlight local bowlers and their bowling accomplishments. I can have a section of bowling tournaments and local bowling activities. I think having a section for bowling tips on how to improve your game will be helpful.


  1. Great post Chris! I do believe that newsletters should go out no more than once a month.

  2. Your business is the kind that can really benefit from a newsletter. You have products to promote and a built-in community of consumers interested in those products. I'd also like to see reviews of local bowling alleys. For the casual bowler, things like food and rates make a difference.

  3. Hi Chris,
    great ideas! Maybe you can look into hosting local events at the bowling alley and have these be a good topic for your newsletters. Maybe a charity event or an open invitation for a bowling contest where there are some cool prizes in the mix people will be enticed by :)

  4. Hi Chris, I think these are all great ideas and what I would think bowlers would be interested in. I think Angie's suggestion for hosting local events is also great and could be advertised in your newsletter. I like your spotlight on bowlers. Maybe you could sponsor a local bowling team and give updates on how they are doing. Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Chris, I think that it would be a good idea to advertise and perhaps offer a coupon in a local circular. Then on your newsletter you can refer back to the circular or offer the coupon as a cutout on your newsletter.
