Friday, February 27, 2015

Chapter 4 Target Market

Target Market:
Anyone associated with bowling including professional bowers, league bowlers, recreational bowlers and people interesting getting into the sport.  Bowling alleys are also apart of my target market because people buy products at pro shops. 

-Ages 30 to 65
-Disposable income
- Single and Married
- Beer drinkers

Behaviors: To get feedback from customers about what products they like and don't like. I will go to the bowling alleys and talk to people in person. This will allow me to have direct and personal communication.  By gathering this information, I will have a better idea of which products to promote to my customers.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 3

1. Why are they effective?
Craigslist is effective because it's easy to search for items you want to buy or post items you want to sell all in the local area. Another benefit is that it is free to use. It also has a broader range of uses as you can rent out property, trade items, meet people, and sell services.

Ebay is effective because you can buy or sell things worldwide and you can practically find worth for any item. There is a small posting fee of any item you sell. All items usually have pictures but on craigslist the items don't always have pictures, and always want to see the item you're buying.

2. What specific principles of good design do they include and why?
Craigslist has a really good concept which is a community of people buying and selling goods and services. They use a simple typography that is easy to read on each page. It's also a easy site to use and to navigate for e-readers. All the content is categorized into sections which makes it easy to search for items.

Ebay has a good concept of buying and selling items and giving out information. Ebay is one of the most well known brands in the world. Their logo is all over the website. Ebay uses Hierarchy to promote the featured products. The fonts are easy to read. Ebay is easy to navigate and search for items that are categorized. It is also to ask for product information.

3. What makes you come back again.
I always go back to Craigslist and Ebay trying to find a good deal. Both sites are easy for me to use and I enjoy searching through them.

4. What could be improved.
Ebay could be improved with better descriptions of products that are selling or buying and Craigslist could improve by requiring sellers to have pictures of their items.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chapter 3 1. Safety Recall Information. 2. Toyota Care. 3. Helping you get there safely. Make it better for drivers. Make driving safer. Don't know know about that. 1. Safety Recalls. 2. Don't know. 3. Don't know. Getting prices for a car and information.  Make the site more for searching vehicles. Don't know.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

My blog

1. Facebook= January 18, 2015. Latest not used much. TW= 1 or 2 posts per month. Feb 142015. Google Plus= no dates. Not many posts have reviews.
2. Twitter not used much. Latest Sept 24, 2014. F= posting 2 to 3 times month. Latest Feb 11,2015.
3. F,TW,G+,P,YouTube. F= many times a day. Feb 14, 2015. TW= many times a day. Feb 14, 2015. G+= Many times a day Feb 13, 2015. P,= many pictures and followers. No dates given.. YT=many views on videos. 6 videos created several years ago.
4. TW, don't use much. Post to Twitter. Nov 3, 2014. F=not used much and posting. Sept 23, 2014.
5. G+,F=TW,YouTube. G+= Feb13, 2015 post a lot. Many visitors followers. F= A lot of visitors post many times a month. Feb 13, 2015. TW= ,Used a lot Feb 14,2015.. YouTube used lots of times "1 month ago". Instagram= Many Pictures and many followers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Socia Media

I think that Social Media is great and have a positive experience. A lot of people use Social Media for personal or business use.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Social Media Week 1

Facebook is for personal use  for chatting and playing games. I look at people's photos and comment on people's walls. The language we use on Facebook is even more personal since we call them our friends but in a business setting you're not a friend you're a customer.

Twitter can be for personal and business use. It is personal because you can read people's thoughts and opinion at any time and respond to them. It is also for businesses because they can connect with their customers and get immediate feedback.

YouTube is for personal use because you can watch videos of anything you want. and the videos are posted by people. People can even have their own YouTube channels and video libraries.

Linkedin is for business use and it's usually used by people looking for  jobs, clients, and partnering with new people. Owners also use it to keep tabs on their business.

Instagram is for more personal use because people can showcase all their daily photos. People can follow their family, friends and celebrities and use a variety of filters to customize their picture.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Template Week #1

Since this is my first blog I thought that I would just use a simple template that is easy for me to understand and navigate. Once I get more comfortable I think I would move on to a more detailed template. I changed the background to blue because it is my favorite color and it's very easy on the eyes.